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Western House Academy

Where every opportunity shapes a life

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Year 1

June 2022


For well being this Month we focused on our local surroundings. We went for a walk around our school to explore what we could hear, see, smell and touch in each area. We then created our own map of the school with a key to indicate what we found in the different areas. We then thought about our journey to school. We drew a map which showed the different parts of our community that we passed on our way to school. Finally we had a story time outside. 

April 2022 - no school

March 2022

This mental Health and well being day we Looked at some terrific trees! We thought about who lives in the trees and how we know that they are lvining there. 

We then Had a picture of a tree and some animals and we put the animals on the tree where we think they would like to live. After this we went outside and look for evidence of living things on the trees. We saw leaves that had been eaten, we saw nests in the trees and we even saw some animals in the trees!

We also had a lovely class discussion about big emotions. We looked at how we deal with big emotions and if we always make the right choices when we are sad, angry or anxious. We also discussed some things we could do to make ourselves feel better if we do feel a big emotion. 

February 2022

This month we went on a number hunt and found 2 digit numbers. We talked about whether they were mulitiples of 2. This got our brains and bodies working and the children really enjoyed it. We then talked about how being creative can help our mental health. After this we used shapes to create some art work and used paint to add detail. Finally we reflected on our day and how we felt. We spoke about the impact the activities had and why it is important to look after our mental health. 

January 2022

We talked about what climate change is and what is causing it. We looked at the things that we could do to stop climate change and help the planet. Using toast to show the effects of global warming was very effective. We drew the world on our bread and put it in the toaster to symbolise what global warming was doing to the world.

December 2021

For December we wanted to connect to nature for our Well being. We went on a lovely walk to Mercian Park and had lots of exercise and fun!

We also spent the afternoon thinking about kind things our friends have done for us and what a good friend is. We then wrote some thankyou notes to our friends for showing kindness and love.

