Curriculum Implementation and Impact
Western House Academy-
where every opportunity shapes a life
The Implementation of the Curriculum at WHA
Every subject in the curriculum offered at WHA stands on four broad principles; values, knowledge, equality and experience. These underpin every decision teachers make in order to teach effectively. We promote our values in every aspect of the curriculum and encourage collaborative work as well as individual scholarship. The knowledge taught is based upon the National Curriculum and the knowledge experiences and skills lower down the school feed into the subjects and units in the upper school, ensuring progress and a wealth of knowledge for the children to draw upon as they meet new challenges and learning. the children have meaningful experiences in their learning, the breadth of the curriculum is designed so no subject is left out and every subject has an integrity.
We have carefully constructed a curriculum that enables us to focus on one humanities subject each half term, giving it the integrity it needs. Each unit has designated Tiered Vocabulary that the children learn and use throughout the term. The vocabulary children are exposed to sees words moving from tier 3 to tier 1 as the child moves through the school.
The Impact of our Curriculum
Have a look at our Subject Curriculum pages to see what has been taught and the impact of our curriculum.